On Our Own of Calvert County

On Our Own of Calvert County, exists for people seeking mental health and substance abuse services in Calvert County. On Our Own of Calvert County is a peer support organization. We assist members with information and referral services to community agencies and programs. On Our Own of Calvert County is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. There is no charge for our services. We are operated by and for people needing mental health services, homeless services and/or addiction support. On Our Own of Calvert County offers social support, advocacy, training, family outreach, and empowerment in the area of rights, responsibilities and self-image.

Due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, we are open under a limited schedule. Please contact us for information about our schedule.

120 Jibsail Drive, Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678

phone: (410) 535-7576 fax: (410) 535-0984